Why did I choose my career?
I don’t have many memories about what I wanted to do when I grew up, maybe veterinary because I love animals o fashion designer. Really,I don’t remember haha Well, when I entered at university in 2016 I don´t know what to study, I liked medicine or biochemistry but to be honest, medicine it looked so far away and my PSU score was lower for Biochemistry so I entered to Chemistry at UC. The story about my change of university is longer than 130 words, so maybe I would tell you in another blog 😊 In my first year of university I really knew what I wanted in my profesional life. Helping people and be close to science that’s why Chemistry and Pharmacy was a good option for me but if I have the oportunity to study medicine I definitely would. My experience at university has been so good in the academic and the social aspects. I feel very confortable here I would’nt change the university again. I think my dream jobi it is work in a hospital and to be closer to patients, m...